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South Korea + Rina = SouKorina


SouKorina is a social media presence covering various topics related to South Korea based on the experiences and perspective of Rina. But who is she and why should you care? Well, we'll focus on the first part of that question in hopes that it will answer promises, though.


As stated in the website header, Rina used to live in South Korea and has long had a strong interest in East Asia. During her time in university, her strong curiosity eventually led to an intense passion for learning about Korean culture (and yes, that story is over-simplified, but you get the idea).


This passion led to her semester-long study abroad experience in Seoul, and later, her moving to Korea in 2014 to work as an English teacher. There must be something about the country because she stayed until 2021 (and probably would have stayed longer if it hadn't been for the pandemic).


Maybe after taking a gander at the website, you can decide whether or not that is the case for yourself. 




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